Entries by dpogreba

Left Versus Right, Visual Representation

–A concept-map exploring the Left vs Right political spectrum. A collaboration between David McCandless and information artist Stefanie Posavec, taken from my book The Visual Miscellaneum (click the image for a full size picture, with detail)

AP Language Fact and AP Literature Poem of the Day

A couple of notes for AP Literature and Language. In Literature, we’ll be starting work on poetry commenting this week. Please make two thoughtful comments about the poetry located at the bottom of the page or under the AP Literature menu. You can post twice on the same poem (as part of a dialogue with […]

Unfair Wages for Womyn?

In 1872, the earliest year for which such statistics are available, 21 percent of college students in the United States were female. Today, that number is 58 percent and rising. It has truly been a stunning ascendancy. And yet there is still a considerable economic price to pay for being a woman. For American women […]

Mad Men 2.0: Discussion Group Article

The article for discussion group this week might be of interest to the AP Language students, as it explores the way that fact based persuasion has given way to emotional denials: A democracy that permits outraged denial to turn truth into a subjective concept will not remain a democracy for long. It will become an […]