Entries by dpogreba

Lack of Health Care and Death

Later in this book, we’ll take a detailed look at Nikki White’s tragic encounter with America’s health care system. But the larger tragedy is that Ms. White is not alone. Government and academic studies report that more than twenty thousand Americans die in the prime of life each year from medical problems that could be […]

Wasteland Detroit

From the Wall Street Journal:

Detroit has 80,000 abandoned lots and buildings, according to the city’s planning department. Old housing projects, homes, strip malls and even high-rise buildings sit empty across much of the city. Motown has more vacant office, retail and industrial space than nearly every other big city in the country. Click ‘read more’ for images of Detroit.

The Health Danger of Noise?

If we look at the history of the fight against other pollutants—smoke, for instance—the trend is generally upward.  Ever since the first substantial air-pollution regulation was enacted…the more that scientists have identified health risks, the more these emissions have been regulated.  Yet with the exception of the very loudest sound offenders, a chart of the […]

Renewable Energy Debate

These are the debate topics for the renewable energy topic: Should the federal government support any kind of energy development or rely on the free market? Is renewable energy a viable energy source for America’s needs? Would development of renewable energy harm/help American national security? Is renewable energy actually environmentally friendly?

AP Language Summer Reading 2011

  Required Texts Each student should read The New Kings of Non-Fiction, edited by Ira Glass, ISBN 9781594482670. In addition, each student should read at least one more work from the list below. When you return to school in the fall, you should be able to write intelligently about the ideas, arguments, concepts, and writing […]