Entries by dpogreba

AP Language Final

The AP Language will consist of the following elements: a verbal boast about your achievements this year. a three paragraph summary of your writing portfolio and its strengths and weaknesses. a brief argument for a substantive way to improve the class next year.

Fine Line Between Good and Evil

The idea that an unbridgeable chasm separates good people from bad people is a source of comfort for at least two reasons. First, it creates a binary logic, in which Evil is essentialized. Most of us perceive Evil as an entity, a quality that is inherent in some people and not in others. Bad seeds […]

AP Literature Final

The final for AP Literature is a oral presentation with three components and a brief written element: A Beowulf-style boast about your achievements this year A favorite moment with another student in the class this year A passage from the literature that we read this year that moved or changed you in some way A […]

Ostalgie for the Wall?

A survey in 2007 showed that more than one in five Germans would like to see the Berlin Wall put back up. A remarkable 97 percent of East Germans reported being dissatisfied with German democracy and more than 90 percent believed socialism was a good idea in principle, one that had just been poorly implemented […]

Just How Smart Are You?

We try and try again to convince ourselves and others around us that we’re clearly different from the rest. The aptly named “better-than-average effect” describes the tendency of most people to judge themselves to be harder workers, smarter investors, better lovers, cleverer storytellers, kinder friends, and more competent parents. A wide variety of studies have […]