Entries by dpogreba

Propaganda Unit News and Notes

A few thoughts as we come to the close of the propaganda unit: Important Dates Test Part 1 (Propaganda Techniques): Friday Test Part 2 (Orwell, Chomsky, Ellul, Postman): Monday Propaganda Presentations: Tuesday, December 21 Propaganda Papers: Friday, December 24 8:30 p.m. Notes and Resources Propaganda Notes Web Links Sample Essays Propaganda Techniques Quizlet Review

The Size of the U.S. Military Footprint

While this map is a few years old (from the Bush Administration), it does show the reach of the U.S. military and its global bases. According to the  Department of Defense, there are 46 countries with no U.S. military presence and 156 with American troops. Click on the image for more detail. Other quick facts: […]

American Prison State

Ta-Nehisi Coates:   There are roughly 2.3 million people in jails and prisons in America, more than any country in the world.    The United States has 756 people in jail per 100,000 people. No other country has more than 700, and only two are over 600 Russia (629) and Rwanda (604).   Of the 2.3 million […]

AP Language Education Test Questions

Potential Paragraph Responses  [These need to be really focused, well-developed paragraphs of 7-9 sentences. You will complete five on the test and choose from 6 options.] Explain how elenchus is the cornerstone of true education, according to Socrates. In his article “Dehumanized,” Mark Slouka argues that our current educational focus undermines civic life in America. […]