Entries by dpogreba

Is An Excellent Instructor Worth $400,000?

 Good ol’ Eric Hanushek says she just might be: Over the course of a school year, a good teacher produces $400,000 more in future earnings for a class of 20 students than an average teacher. What’s more, replacing the worst-performing five to eight percent of teachers with average teachers could catapult the U.S. to near […]

Is Going to an Elite School Worth It?

It appears that it may well be: Among the most cited research on the subject — a paper by economists from the RAND Corporation and Brigham Young and Cornell Universities — found that “strong evidence emerges of a significant economic return to attending an elite private institution, and some evidence suggests this premium has increased […]

Cam Ne

This YouTube video shows how coverage of the Viet Nam War was very different from coverage of the War in Iraq. We don’t have time to watch the film in class, but if you are interested, you should definitely look into watching the film Enemy Image, which discusses the way media shapes war. The whole […]