Entries by dpogreba

AP Language Final

The final for AP Language is a oral presentation with three components and a brief written element: A Beowulf-style boast about your achievements this year (oral) A favorite moment with another student in the class this year (oral) A passage from the reading that we read this year that moved or changed you in some […]

Summer Reading AP Literature

1. Required Text for All Students The Odyssey – Homer (translations in order of preference by instructor) Translation by E.V. Rieu. London: Penguin, 1946. This edition is available for check-out in Room 41 during the final week of school in June. Revised Translation by D.C.H. Rieu. London: Penguin, 1991.ISBN 0-14-044556-0   2. Book of Choice Each student should choose […]

Topic Sentences

Persuasion/Synthesis Essay Prompt Few Rules to Remember: Topic sentences are always arguments in these kinds of essays. The persuasion and synthesis essays can be addressed in exactly the same way. The three paragraph models here are just for illustration. Your essay can certainly be 2-5 paragraphs. Topic sentences should show relationships/transitions between paragraphs: your goal […]

Welcome to My Site

Welcome to My Site Welcome to Mr. Pogreba’s classroom home page. I have been teaching at Helena High in Montana for the past ten years, and this site contains resources for many o f the classes I have had the opportunity to teach. Feel free to look around the site and download or share anything […]

Discussion Group

Discussion Group The Wednesday Night Discussion Group meets every week at Fireside Coffee and features a unique discussion each week about politics, art, culture, science, and more. If you’re interested in a lively conversation in a great atmosphere, feel free to join us at 7:30 each Wednesday. Join Us!