Entries by dpogreba

Heart of Darkness Exam

The Heart of Darkness exam will be on Tuesday. The final test will have two questions, each to be answered with a full thesis + four paragraph response. 1. Chinua Achebe argued that Heart of Darkness is an “offensive and deplorable book” that “set[s] Africa up as a foil to Europe, as a place of […]

AP Language

AP Language is  open to all juniors and seniors at Helena High School. It does receive credit for English for juniors and may be taken for elective credit by seniors. It also prepares students for the AP Language and Composition exam, which offers college credit for passing students.The course will be focused on the study […]

Propaganda Exam and Presentation

Remember that the propaganda exam will take place on Monday and Tuesday this week. Your propaganda presentation is due on Wednesday. On Monday, you’ll be doing the propaganda techniques portion of the test. Seth has made a Quizlet to review the terms and you can access it here. On Tuesday, the test will cover: the […]