Entries by dpogreba

Education Reform Project

The time for the education reform paper and project deadline is drawing near. Some of the important details you should be aware of are listed below. Deadlines The paper is due on Wednesday, November 21st at 3:15. You must submit it to Turnitin.com The one-sheet information guide and multimedia presentation are due on Wednesday at […]

Model United Nations Information

Model United Nations will be held on November 19-20, 2012. We’ll be leaving Helena on Sunday around 4:00 p.m. and then staying in Missoula for two days. Information you might need: Travel Information Sheet Link to Model United Nations program page Delegate Expectations and Information Topic Guides for Committees We will be stating at the […]

AP Language Writing Assignment

This week’s writing assignment involves practicing our old friends introductions, topic sentences, and thesis statements. For each of the three prompts, you will need to write an interesting introduction, clear thesis statement and effective topic sentences. The assignment is due (printed and ready to turn in) at the start of class on Tuesday and can […]

Response to Waiting for Superman

While you don’t need to watch this response to Waiting for Superman to be prepared for the test, I thought some of you might be interested in seeing the argument from the other side.