Entries by dpogreba

Florida’s Python Problem—and Hunt

I’m thoroughly convinced that whenever I encounter weird news online the story will take place in Florida, and the following is no exception. Given the encroachment of Burmese pythons in Florida, the state has responded as only Floridians could: The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has announced that it will hold a month-long […]

Should the U.S. Follow France’s Lead and End Homework?

According to Louis Menand, France is the place to go if you don’t enjoy doing your homework: Here is something you probably didn’t know about France: its President has the power to abolish homework. In a recent speech at the Sorbonne, François Hollande announced his intention to do this for all primary- and middle-school students. […]

What Are the 88 Most Important Books that Shaped America?

I’m not exactly sure why they chose 88 books, but the Library of Congress has generated a list of the 88 Books That Shaped America: “This list of ‘Books That Shaped America’ is a starting point. It is not a register of the ‘best’ American books–although many of them fit that description. Rather, the list […]

Factory Farming Debate Questions

These are the topics we will debate on factory farming: Are the practices associated with factory farming unnecessarily cruel to animals? Does the practice of factory farming increase health risks for humans and animals? Does factory farming reduce costs for consumers?

Do Honeybees and Gangs Divide Turf in the Same Way?

Professor Jeffrey Brantigan thinks they just might: Honeybees and hyenas stake out territory over a pretty obvious scarce resource: food. But why might gangs do the same? Brantingham and colleagues Martin B. Short, George E. Tita and Shannon E. Reid suggest in a paper published online this week in the journal Criminology that they’re motivated […]