Entries by dpogreba

Creating the Better Language

The way we communicate is a messy business. Languages, which evolve over time, become conflicted messes that make learning and speaking them correctly far more challenging than they need to be. The New Yorker’s Joshua Foer explores one man’s effort to create a better language and the surprising results that followed. There are so many […]

100 Books Down and A Few Recommendations

Last January, feeling nostalgic for the kind of in-depth reading I did as a kid before the Internet intervened to make me a scanner, I decided to set of a goal of reading 100 books in 2012. I just finished—and thought I would mention the books that I either enjoyed the most or got the […]

Government of the Elderly, by the Elderly, for the Elderly

If you’ve ever felt that government policy is excessively focused on the needs of older Americans, you’re not alone. Despite spending which is incredibly focused on the elderly, most Americans–including older Americans–believe more of the budget should be focused on the young, as Derek Thompson notes: At a time when education is absorbing huge cuts […]

The Worst Words of 2012

Writing in The Atlantic, Jen Doll has created a list of the worst words of 2012. A few of her selections are listed below: Epic. Adjective. Unless you’re describing The Iliad or The Odyssey (and in a high school or college English class), choose anew, friends. Don’t make me say this again in 2013. YOLO. […]