Entries by dpogreba

Traffic Jams Waste Billions of Dollars and Cause Divorces

Travel write Taras Grescoe discussed the impact of traffic congestion in our financial and personal lives in his book Straphanger: Saving Our Cities and Ourselves from the Automobile: Economists have actually managed to quantify the absurdity of this situation. According to the Texas Transportation Institute, congestion costs the American economy $115 billion every year in […]

What Countries Are the Best Places to Be Born?

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, relying on scores from 11 variables, not the United States, though we are better off than the people born in Russia: If you came into the world today and could pick your nationality, there are at least 15 better choices than to be born American, according to a study […]

In Defense of Sport

While asserting that progressives have traditionally been skeptical of sport, Bhaskar Sunkara argues that liberals should embrace athletic contests: None of these qualms are wrong. They’re just missing something—the ecstasy so many get from watching sports, a joy that can’t be reduced to “false consciousness.” Beyond betraying an ascetic disdain for something a large part of […]

Pigovian Taxes and Carbon Emissions

Elizabeth Kolbert, writing in the New Yorker, makes the case for taxes on carbon emissions. Along the way, she explained a fascinating concept of taxation, Pigovian taxes:   It’s been almost a century since the British economist Arthur Pigou floated the idea that turned his name into an adjective. In “The Economics of Welfare,” published […]