Entries by dpogreba

Pedestrian Safety in America?

Kaid Benfield argues in the Atlantic that one of the most dangerous things you can do in the United States is to walk: The nonprofit advocacy coalition Transportation for America (NRDC is a member) has found that, from 2000 through 2009, more than 47,700 pedestrians were killed in the United States. This is the equivalent […]

China’s Influence on American Films

In what is a powerful sign of the rise of Chinese influence and economic power, the New York Times is reporting that major Hollywood studios are given the Chinese government access during the production of films to ensure that none of the content lead to rejection by Chinese censors: Hollywood as a whole is shifting […]

Speech & Debate Class Final on Tuesday

For our final, we will have a class debate on the following resolutions: Helena High School should require all students to wear uniforms. Helena High School should install video cameras in the hallways and parking lots. The use of outside research and information would certainly improve the quality of this debate and your score. The […]

AP Language Final

Remember there are two parts to your AP Language final: Modest Proposal Assignment Reading and Discussion about My Satirical Self When we discuss My Satirical Self, we will address these questions: Mason suggests (page 1) that satire offers relief from having to endure a reasonable argument in unreasonable times. Discuss his premise and conclusion. Mason […]

It’s Not Paranoia if They’re Out to Get You

If you happen to be the kind of person who worries that other people are talking about you, you could well be right, because you worry about them talking about you. Slate summarizes a study by Jennifer Mason Carr: Another study about how your private insecurities are to blame for troubled work relationships and probably […]