Debate: Extra Credit Opportunities

Two extra credit opportunities in debate class: add web links about the universal health care debate or blog about your feelings about the subject. Both are easy to do. Before you do either, though, you will probably need to register on the site. To do so, just go to the Register link in the login box to your right.

Add a Web Link:
  1. Login to the site.
  2. Click on “Add a Web Link” on the User Menu to the Right.
  3. Add a link, making sure to include a description, URL, and name. Remember to put the link the Debate: Universal Health Care section of the site.
  4. 5 points of extra credit for each quality entry, up to to four entries.
Write a Blog Entry
  1. Login to the site.
  2. Click on “My Blog Dashhboard on the User Menu to the Right, then “Write New Entry.”
  3. Write a blog entry, making sure to put in a title and a detailed entry.
  4. Up to 20 points of extra credit for a quality entry, which means at least a few paragraphs.
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