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A student sits alone in a classroom

AP Seminar End of Year Assignments

For AP Seminar, we have a slightly new end plan for the year. For each reading assignment, you will be expected to annotate (like a member of a high school AP class) and meaningfully discuss the article for class. If you miss a day of class…

Tentative AP Seminar Second Semester Schedule

All of the work for the AP Seminar class needs to be submitted to the College Board by April 30, 2019. That means you can continue to work on your papers after the due dates listed below, but they will need to be submitted to me for grading…

AP Seminar: First Research Paper Resources

Your first research paper is due at midnight on Sunday, October 21. The assignment and sample papers Citation Resources Please share the paper with me (giving me access to edit) to Don't e-mail it or send it to…

Honors English II Pile O’ Work

We have a number of deadlines for Honors 2 to be aware of, so here they are: Friday, September 28: Have read the Epilogue of Outliers and be ready for the Latin Roots 1-3 test. Monday, October 1: Outline for Outliers Essay Due Tuesday,…

AP Seminar: Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Your first annotated bibliography entry is due Tuesday. I'd like it to include the full source citation and 150 words of useful information about the article you've chosen. Useful links Purdue Online Writing Lab Annotated Bibliography…

Get Reminded About Due Dates and More

If you'd like to get reminders via text about due dates and other assignments, sign up below: AP Language (or just text @a3ecgk to the number 81010) English II (or just text @2017engliu to the number 81010) Debate (or just text @72a2fk…

Best Reads of 2016

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While this was the year I finally read the Harry Potter series and revisited some old favorites like Jose Saramago's The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis, I also managed to read a collection of surprising and interesting titles that were neither…

Travel Time!

August is the time for travel, this year to Iceland, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands. If you want to follow the trip, I'll probably do some posting on my travel blog and will almost certainly post some pictures. I hope you all enjoy…

Final Week, Final Thought

Thanks for letting me share the classroom with you all for a semester. In the midst of the hectoring about essays, rants about "the most beautiful sentence ever written," and criticism of the system, you all found at least a few moments of knowledge…

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