Quixotic Pedagogue

Debate Quest: Greek Philosophy

The first quest of the year, over ancient Greek philosophy, will be on Wednesday, September 20.

The notes are available for your review here and the test will cover the foundations of philosophy, Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, and Epicurus.

The test will include a short answer section and paragraph responses.

The paragraphs will come from this list of topics:

  1. Which system of governance and personal choice of profession seems to be the most just: today’s system or the one proposed by Plato (the Republic)? Explain why, using details from Plato’s position.
  2. Define the Doctrine of the Mean and provide an example of its application. Don’t use any examples we’ve discussed in class.
  3. Using your insight and the work of Epicurus and Aristotle, explain what makes an ideal friendship and how friendships can be different.
  4. Explain the meaning of the Allegory of the Cave. What did Plato hope to illustrate about the human condition and wisdom.
  5. Explain how Socrates believed we best learn. Discuss his belief in elenchus and the importance of self-education.


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