Extra Credit Opportunity: Testify at the Legislature
Since you are all now experts on Columbus Day, you can receive extra credit if you testify or e-mail the House Education Committee about Columbus Day.
Bridget Smith (D – Wolf Point) is proposing a bill to change Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day in the school system. The bill is coming up for a hearing Friday at 3 pm (in room 137).
You can also receive extra credit if you send an e-mail to these committee members by today at 9:00 p.m. The e-mail should be professional, courteous, and express your views clearly. Make sure you reference the bill number (HB 514) in your e-mail, which can certainly include excerpts from your essay this fall. Please print the e-mail you sent and give it to me in class on Monday.
Rep. FRED ANDERSON (R): (406) 761-4042
Rep. BECKY BEARD (R): (406) 479-3048 or becky4hd80@blackfoot.net
Rep. SETH BERGLEE (R)–Chair: (406) 690-9329 or Rep.Seth.Berglee@mt.gov
Rep. JEFF ESSMANN (R)–Vice Chair: (406) 534-3345 or jessmann@mt.gov
Rep. EDWARD GREEF (R): (406) 370-0581 or edgreef@hotmail.com
Rep. GREG HERTZ (R): (406) 253-9505 or greghertz11@gmail.com
Rep. LOLA SHELDON-GALLOWAY (R): (406) 727-4963 or Rep.Lola.Sheldon-Galloway@mt.gov
Rep. SCOTT STAFFANSON (R): (406) 480-0467
Rep. SUE VINTON (R): (406) 855-2625 or Rep.Sue.Vinton@mt.gov
Rep. PEGGY WEBB (R): (406) 248-1953 or Webb4house@gmail.com
There will be more extra credit for actually going to testify.