Serial: Final Questions for Test
We will have a final exam over the podcast Serial on Monday. The test will require you to answer five paragraphs from the following questions. To prepare for the exam, I would recommend making an outline for each and studying that. Be prepared for the exam on Monday! Good luck!
The questions are below. Click read more.
- Whether or not Adnan is guilty, does the podcast Serial indict criminal justice system in Baltimore? Why or why not?
- Do you feel the presentation of the podcast was biased in some way? How? Why?
- Is Jay’s testimony reliable? Why or why not?
- Did the episodic format of the show hold your interest? Were any parts less effective/interesting
- What do you think of Sarah’s portrayal of Ronald? Why
- Who do you think committed the murder and why
- Did the story adequately investigate Don as a suspect? Why or why not?