Quixotic Pedagogue

AP Language: Welty and Barry Revisions

Deadlines and Prompts

  • The Welty revision (prompt, page 2) will be due Monday in class. I will give you your first draft with comments  on Wednesday or Thursday.
  • The Barry essay (prompt, page 3) has a more complicated process. You need to find a peer editor and turn in a final draft attached to your peer-edited draft on Friday in class.

Suggestions for the Welty Revision (and really all analysis essays)

  1. Please make sure to fix end punctuation and quotation marks. The comma and the period go inside the quotes.
  2. Your thesis statement needs to answer the central question of the prompt. In the case of the Welty essay, that means answering how her feelings about reading changed.
  3. Topic sentences need to extend to answer the purpose of the paragraph, not just the subject.
  4. Combine sentences!
  5. Make sure that your topic sentences make your structure clear.
  6. Use the author’s name correctly. The first time you can use her first and last name; following that always use her last name. Unless you are Facebook friends with her, using her first name is inappropriate in a formal essay.



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