Deadlines and Prompts
- The Welty revision (prompt, page 2) will be due Monday in class. I will give you your first draft with comments on Wednesday or Thursday.
- The Barry essay (prompt, page 3) has a more complicated process. You need to find a peer editor and turn in a final draft attached to your peer-edited draft on Friday in class.
Suggestions for the Welty Revision (and really all analysis essays)
- Please make sure to fix end punctuation and quotation marks. The comma and the period go inside the quotes.
- Your thesis statement needs to answer the central question of the prompt. In the case of the Welty essay, that means answering how her feelings about reading changed.
- Topic sentences need to extend to answer the purpose of the paragraph, not just the subject.
- Combine sentences!
- Make sure that your topic sentences make your structure clear.
- Use the author’s name correctly. The first time you can use her first and last name; following that always use her last name. Unless you are Facebook friends with her, using her first name is inappropriate in a formal essay.