Model United Nations: Debate Class

These are the four topics we will be discussing in the Debate class Model United Nations activity. Each of you should read these322750-un-logo background papers and be prepared to debate all of the issues from the perspective of your nation.

It would probably be wise to do some additional research to become more familiar with the issues involved.

This is the link for your position paper guide. Every student will need to submit a position paper before the session. Your position paper will need to state your country’s position (based on politics, beliefs, and region) for at least three of the topics being debated. Your position paper should have the following requirements met:

  • No more than two pages in length, 12 pt. font
  • Single Spaced
  • Divided by topic

This is an example of what a position paper looks like.

Resolution writing guide is located here. Key terms for resolutions are located here.