Quixotic Pedagogue

AP Language Final

Remember there are two parts to your AP Language final:

When we discuss My Satirical Self, we will address these questions:
  1. Mason suggests (page 1) that satire offers relief from having to endure a reasonable argument in unreasonable times. Discuss his premise and conclusion.
  2. Mason metaphorically compares our love of satire with a coffee addiction. Is this a fair comparison?
  3. How (page 2) does satire serve our culture?
  4. Mason evokes Juvenal’s argument that Rome had become a “monstrous city” that needed satire. Has the United States become so monstrous that satire is the only reasonable response?
  5. Mason argues that modern satire is less about societal improvement, more about the appearance of cleverness. Is he correct?
  6. Are we, as Mason suggests (page 6), living in a vice-blighted age?
  7. Should politicians like President Bush and President Obama use satire (page 6) or does this demean their offices?
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