Quixotic Pedagogue

AP Language Summer Reading 2011


Required Texts

Each student should read The New Kings of Non-Fiction, edited by Ira Glass, ISBN 9781594482670. In addition, each student should read at least one more work from the list below. When you return to school in the fall, you should be able to write intelligently about the ideas, arguments, concepts, and writing style of each work. Pay particular attention to the central argument(s) of each work, and how the author connects with her audience. Some of these works are very challenging; make sure to read carefully and consider finding a partner to read and discuss the text with you.

A final suggestion would be to read as many articles from quality magazines like The Atlantic, The New Yorker, and/or Harper’s Magazine during the summer as you can, paying attention to argument, style, and structure.

40 copies of The New Kings of Non-Fiction will be available for checkout in Room 14 on Thursday, June 9 after noon and in the office at HHS after that.

You can download the list of potential texts here.

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