Quixotic Pedagogue

Grapes of Wrath Exam Questions

1.Some critics have argued that the novel makes the case for the power of modern humanism while others say its power derives from the application of Christian love. Which is a stronger argument and why?

2. Ultimately, does Steinbeck intend for the reader to believe more in the power of social cooperation (socialism?) or the power of individual, human nature?

3. How does Steinbeck use biblical allusions to enhance the meaning of the work? What, taken together, do these allusions show about the Okies?

4. How does the film contrast with the book? Why might the film have changed and what thematic differences does it suggest?

5. Apply the literary criticism you studied to the book and construct an argument in which you evaluate this critical lens. For instance, what does the Grapes of Wrath say about the relationship of the Id and Superego?

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