Quixotic Pedagogue

AP Literature Classical Foundations Exam Questions

1. Some critics feel that Beowulf is a text that glorifies the culture of the Norse, while others believe that it is a stern condemnation of their value structure. Make an argument that one of these ideas is correct, or argue for a nuanced middle ground.

2. Other than Antigone, which work best exemplifies the idea of catharsis? Why?

3. Discuss feminist criticism. What are its major objections with traditional literature?

4. Contrast the attitude towards pride demonstrated in The Iliad, The Ramayana, and Beowulf.

5. How does Beowulf illustrate the Norse concepts of Wyrd and lof?

6. How do the three parables we read illustrate the message of the New Testament? (not on the test)

7. The Qu’ran argues for submission to God, as does the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament.  Compare and contrast these messages.

8. How are the Greek concepts of arete and the Hindu concept of dharma similar? How do they differ?

9.  Why is knowledge of the Bible essential to understanding of Western culture? Make an argument that provides at least one literary example.

10. Explain the significance of the argument in the Bhagavad Gita and the Ramayan that one must reject over-reliance on the senses and desires.

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