Quixotic Pedagogue

AP Essay Submission

How do you format it?

  • I would prefer 10 point font, to save the trees. Stick with a legible, easy to read font. 1″ margins are certainly wide enough.
  • Double space the essay body, but you can single space the header. The header should include your name and the essay, as noted below.
  • Sample formatting here.
  • You do not need a title

How do you send it?

  • Please send your essay as an attachment, not pasted into the e-mail.
  • Send the essay to essays@pogreba.com
  • If you are unsure how to attach a file to an e-mail. you can use this site or this site as a guide.

What if you don’t have Microsoft Word?


  • Please save your document in Word or RTF format. (Just use “Save as…”)
  • Google Docs is incredibly easy to use and free. (Once you are done, just select “Share” and Choose send as an attachment)
  • Open Office is a free, stand-alone browser that works as well as Word for 97% of functions.


What are some works you might use?

  • Huck Finn
  • The Scarlett Letter
  • The Grapes of Wrath
  • Julius Caesar
  • Beloved
  • 1984
  • Ceremony
  • Anna Karenina (You’ve all read it, right?)
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