A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius: Dave Eggers

 Alexis recommended this book, one that I have avoided largely because of the title for a number of years. I’m glad I was able to look past the ironic title and the opening introduction of the book (seriously, skip it) to read a book that was both moving and incredibly funny.

The opening of the novel proper is very engaging and quite emotional, as Eggers describes the experience of his mother going through painful cancer and the family’s attempt to deal with it.

Perhaps the greatest strength of the novel is that Eggers seems to have a healthy sense of humor about himself. The depiction of his attempt to get on the Real World is outstanding, especially when he meets of the characters who does make it on to the show. Even better is the extended sequence where Eggers interview (and imagines interviewing) for the show.

It’s a rare memoir, one where the author’s flaws aren’t sugar-coated, nor the setup for a touching conclusion in which he overcomes those earlier flaws.

Definitely recommended.


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