Quixotic Pedagogue

Letters Between Tolstoy and Gandhi

If any of you are intereted, this link has the letters between Tolstoy and Gandhi, written in 1909-1910, near the end of Tolstoy's life and the beginning of Gandhi's work in South Africa. From Tolstoy to Gandhi:

The longer I live-especially now when I clearly feel the approach of
death-the more I feel moved to express what I feel more strongly than
anything else, and what in my opinion is of immense importance, namely,
what we call the renunciation of all opposition by force, which really
simply means the doctrine of the law of love unperverted by
sophistries. Love, or in other words the striving of men's souls
towards unity and the submissive behaviour to one another that results
therefrom, represents the highest and indeed the only law of life, as
every man knows and feels in the depths of his heart…

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