AP Titles for 2007-08

The following are the results of the class votes for novel/play selections:

Weighty Classics

  • Invisible Man (36)
  • Great Expectations (3)

 Rural Tales of Redemption

  • Resurrection (23)
  • As I Lay Dying (1)
  • The Road (15)

Finding the Self

  • Siddhartha (17)
  • One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (9)
  • The Lake of the Woods (13)

African Tales

  • Things Fall Apart (35)
  • The Stranger ( 3)


  • Love in the Time of Cholera (28)
  • Wuthering Heights (11)

Elizabethan Drama

  • Hamlet (3)
  • Othello (4)
  • Macbeth (10)
  • Merchant of Venice (1)
  •  Doctor Faustus (20)